Pasadena Wrongful Termination Lawyer
Wrongful Termination Attorney in Pasadena, CA
You depend on your job to support yourself and your family, so we understand that getting fired can be devastating. If you need a Pasadena wrongful termination lawyer because your employer illegally let you go, we are here to help. At the Azadian Law Group, PC, you can count on our knowledgeable and experienced team to investigate your case so we can secure the compensation you deserve. We have a proven record of success for our clients and are ready to get to work.
A Pasadena wrongful termination lawyer is ready to help
Too many employers fire their workers for illegal reasons. They do so because California is an “at-will” work state, and they think that it protects them. While employers can generally hire and fire employers can fire workers for any reason (or no reason at all), that does not mean they can break the law.
What constitutes illegal firing?
It is illegal to discriminate against an employee or to retaliate against them.
Pasadena unlawful termination based on discrimination
Both federal and state laws are in place to protect workers from discrimination in the workplace. This includes protection from a person being fired based on their:
- Race and color
- Nationality
- Sexual orientation
- Marital status
- Pregnancy
- Gender identity
- Disability
- Religion or creed
- Age
We are going to use statistics from the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the agency charged with ensuring employers abide by federal laws. They regularly bring charges against employers based on the items listed. For the latest reporting year, there were 24,600 charges brought by the EEOC on race discrimination, 24,655 charges based on sex discrimination, and 24,605 charges based on disability discrimination.
Wrongful termination in Pasadena based on retaliation
The EEOC also brought over 39,000 charges against employers based on retaliation. Retaliation against workers is illegal but often occurs when an employee:
- Reports illegal or fraudulent activities of their employer (whistleblowing)
- Refuses to participate in illegal or fraudulent activities
- Reports of discrimination or harassment in the workplace
- Request legal disability accommodations
- Takes allowable sick or medical leave
A Pasadena wrongful termination lawyer will investigate these cases thoroughly and bring the full force of employment and disability law to your side.
Employers who fire workers for illegal reasons typically fabricate valid justifications for letting said workers go. For example, perhaps you cooperated with investigators looking into safety violations in your workplace. Maybe your employer became aware of this and terminated your employment shortly after.
If asked to provide a reason for firing you, your employer will likely cite poor work performance or a similar justification. This is one of many reasons it’s important to enlist the help of legal professionals who have experience handling cases like yours when filing a wrongful termination claim or lawsuit in Pasadena.
If you have a legitimate case against an employer, an experienced Pasadena wrongful termination attorney may be able to strengthen your case by:
- Gathering evidence such as performance evaluations, correspondence, and other such documentation indicating your employer has historically been pleased with your performance
- Interviewing coworkers, clients, and others whose testimony may indicate your employer’s stated reasons for terminating your employment are false
- Researching your employer’s history to determine if they have a habit of illegally firing employees
- Gathering evidence indicating you may have been the victim of other forms of workplace retaliation or discrimination before you were ultimately fired
The process of working with an attorney to hold your former employer accountable when you’ve been the victim of wrongful termination begins with an initial consultation or case review. During this first meeting, a legal expert will assess the merits of your case and determine whether you have grounds to proceed with a claim or lawsuit.
You can ensure this consultation will provide valuable information to both you and your potential attorney if you take certain steps ahead of time to prepare for it. They include the following:
- Drafting a full narrative of the circumstances surrounding your firing so that you don’t accidentally leave out any important details when describing the termination of your employment to a lawyer reviewing your case
- Make a list of the names, roles, and contact information of anyone who you have strong reason to believe might be able to back up your story
- Bring any evidence you may have already gathered to your meeting (such as copies of emails, performance reviews, etc.)
- Bring any evidence you might have that indicates your employer has wrongfully terminated employees in the past.
Don’t worry if you don’t have access to all these materials. You can still have a productive meeting with a Pasadena wrongful termination lawyer even if you cannot take all the steps listed above. The main point to understand is that this meeting will be even more helpful for both of you if you prepare for it as thoroughly as possible.
Pasadena wrongful termination lawyer are ready to move forward with you
If you think you have been wrongfully terminated from your job, please do not hesitate to seek legal assistance. At the Azadian Law Group, PC, our qualified and experienced team is going to stand up for your rights. Illegal activities on the part of your employer will be thoroughly investigated so we can secure the compensation you deserve. This can include:
- Lost wage recovery
- Pain and suffering damages
- Court and legal fees
- Reinstatement if that is a goal
- Punitive damages against those responsible
We will not get paid unless you are compensated and you never have to worry about out-of-pocket expenses. If you need a Pasadena wrongful termination attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 626-449-4944.
Praise from Our Clients
Who We Represent
At Azadian Law Group, we are dedicated to upholding the rights and interests of employees in the workplace. Our expertise in employment law positions us as staunch advocates for those facing unjust treatment in their professional environments.
Whether combating workplace discrimination, addressing unfair termination, or negotiating equitable compensation, our team is committed to ensuring that every employee we represent is treated fairly and respectfully under the law.

Step 1
Explore our comprehensive range of legal services to find the specialized support you need.
Step 2
Arrange a free initial meeting with our experts to discuss your legal situation.
Step 3
Receive a custom strategy specially created for your case by our legal experts.
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Speak out for justice. Your story can be the start of a new chapter of workplace fairness.