Los Angeles Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer

Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer in Los Angeles, CA

At Azadian Law Group, PC, our pregnancy discrimination lawyer in Los Angeles, regularly represents clients who are the victims of pregnancy discrimination in the workplace.

The Los Angeles pregnancy discrimination lawyers at Azadian Law Group, PC, understand how pregnancy discrimination impacts a woman’s ability to have a steady job after giving birth and her ability to continue as a member of the workforce. Wrongful terminations based on pregnancy also often result in the employee losing medical coverage at a critical time for important doctor appointments (both for the employee and her baby). Unfortunately, the damages do not stop there because even if the employee can find work again, she may continue to suffer in the form of decreased wages/salary due to the gap in her employment.

Cause of Pregnancy Discrimination in Termination

Pregnancy discrimination is a common form of wrongful termination. Some common examples of pregnancy discrimination include:

  • Write up an employee or place an employee on a performance improvement plan after they inform the employer they are pregnant or will be taking maternity leave.
  • Negative comments about how a pregnancy or baby will impact the employee’s ability to do her job.
  • Passing over pregnant employees for promotions in favor of non-pregnant employees.
  • Taking away duties from an employee who is pregnant.
  • Favoring male employees over female employees who are or may become pregnant.

For all these reasons, the Los Angeles pregnancy discrimination attorney at Azadian Law Group, PC, fights employers aggressively to make sure they secure the maximum recovery for victims of pregnancy discrimination. Azadian Law Group has the best Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer in Los Angeles. We offer free consultations to see if what an employee has experienced is illegal pregnancy discrimination. When an employee is still employed, we also work with the employee to ensure that their concerns related to pregnancy discrimination are documented appropriately. Our Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer in Los Angeles has successfully handled numerous pregnancy discrimination claims and claims of retaliation related to complaints of pregnancy discrimination.

Your Legal Rights

As a pregnant employee, you have the following rights:

  • Reasonable Accommodations: Your employer must make reasonable changes to your work duties or schedule, such as giving you lighter tasks or more breaks, to help you work safely during your pregnancy.
  • Leave of Absence: You are allowed to take time off for maternity leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) or California’s Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL).
  • Protection from Retaliation: Your employer cannot punish you for requesting accommodations or complaining about pregnancy discrimination.

Unfavorable Treatment Due to Pregnancy

Pregnancy discrimination involves treating a woman (an applicant or employee) unfavorably because of pregnancy, childbirth, or a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth.

Federal and California law forbids discrimination based on pregnancy in any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoffs, training, fringe benefits, such as leave and health insurance, and any other term or condition of employment.

Suppose a woman is temporarily unable to perform her job due to a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth. In that case, the employer or other covered entity must treat her the same way as any other temporarily disabled employee. For example, the employer may have to provide light duty, alternative assignments, disability leave, or unpaid leave to pregnant employees if it does so for other temporarily disabled employees.

Additionally, impairments resulting from pregnancy (for example, gestational diabetes or preeclampsia, a condition characterized by pregnancy-induced hypertension and protein in the urine) may be disabilities requiring a reasonable accommodation. An employer may have to provide a reasonable accommodation (such as leave or modifications that enable an employee to perform her job) for a pregnancy-related disability, absent undue hardship (significant difficulty or expense).

Further, under both Federal and California law, a new parent (including foster and adoptive parents) may be eligible for 12 weeks of leave (unpaid or paid if the employee has earned or accrued it) to care for the new child. To be eligible, the employee must have worked for the employer for 12 months prior to taking the leave, and the employer must have a specified number of employees.

An employee must give her employer verbal or written notice that she is taking the leave. Generally, if the need is foreseeable, she must give her employer 30 days’ notice. However, if she does not know that she will need to take a leave 30 days in advance, she only needs to give notice as soon as practicable.

An employer cannot retaliate against an employee for being pregnant, for requesting or taking pregnancy disability leave, or for opposing any policy, practice, or action by her employer that she reasonably believes to be a violation of her pregnancy-related rights.

Some laws protect employees against pregnancy discrimination in Los Angeles, including:

  • California Government Code Sections 12921, 12926, 12940(a) (prohibits discrimination based on gender, pregnancy, and related medical conditions)
  • California Government Code Section 12945(a)(4) (prohibits an employer from interfering with, restraining the exercise of, or the attempt to exercise, any rights under the Pregnancy Disability Law Leave)
  • California Government Code Section 12945.2(l)(1) (“It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer to . . . discharge . . . or discriminate against, any individual because of any of . . . [a]n individual’s exercise of the right to family care and medical leave”)
  • 2 C.C.R. § 11043 (guarantees employee the right to be reinstated to the same or a comparable position after Pregnancy Disability Law Leave);
  • 42 USC Section 2000(e) Pregnancy Discrimination Act (prohibits discrimination based on pregnancy)
  • California Constitution, Article I, Section 8 (prohibits discrimination against employees based on sex, including the basis of pregnancy, without limitation, demoting an employee, reducing an employee’s hours without the consent of the employee, reducing the salary of the employee without the consent of the employee, or discharging any employee from employment)

Discrimination can also take the form of supervisor comments regarding how the pregnancy or baby will change the employee’s performance. Examples include, “How are you going to manage with the new baby?” or removing the employee from key projects. See Nazir v. United Airlines, Inc., 178 Cal. App. 4th 243, 252 (2009) (“Proof of discriminatory intent often depends on inferences rather than direct evidence.”)

Oftentimes, new parents who have a child with special needs may also be illegally discriminated against due to their child’s medical condition. This is referred to as “associational discrimination” and is also illegal under California employment law. See Castro-Ramirez v. Dependable Highway Express, Inc., 246 Cal. App. 4th 180, 201 (2016) (“If the plaintiff could perform the essential job functions of his job with reasonable accommodation for his son’s disability, and his son’s disability substantially motivated his termination, then [Defendant] may be liable for associational disability discrimination.”)

The California Labor Code also provides specific protections for breastfeeding mothers who need to pump (lactation accommodations) upon returning to work.

You can find a helpful brochure from the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing regarding your rights as a pregnant employee here. Also, a sample medical certification from the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing for pregnancy disability leave, transfer, or reasonable accommodation is available here.

Yes, an employee may take up to 4 months of job-protected time off so long as the following conditions are met: (1) the employee works for an employer with 5 or more employees, and (2) an employee may take longer than 4 months if her employer provides more than 4 months of leave as part of its policies for temporary disabilities or in a union contract, or as a reasonable accommodation for a disability.

No. An employee has the right to take what is called “intermittent” leave for her pregnancy-related disability as needed. “Intermittent” leave is left and taken in small increments. These increments can be in hours, days, weeks, or months. For example, a pregnant employee, with her doctor’s advice, has the right to take a few hours of leave each day or on certain days because of severe morning sickness or for a doctor’s appointment or other prenatal care.

Yes, to the same extent and under the same conditions as would apply to any other unpaid disability leave granted by the employer for any reasons other than a pregnancy disability. An employee taking pregnancy disability leave (PDL) is entitled to the continuation of her health benefits for the entire duration of her leave, up to four months.

Yes, if the employee pays into State Disability Insurance (SDI) or the employer has a policy or practice of providing paid leave. An employee’s pay stub will reflect whether or not the employee pays into SDI. Employees who pay into SDI can collect partial wage replacement while on pregnancy disability leave.

Generally, either an employer or employee can choose to apply the employee’s paid sick leave during pregnancy disability leave. However, only an employee can decide to use her vacation or personal time off during her pregnancy disability leave; an employer cannot require her to do so.

Yes. An employee must give her employer verbal or written notice that she is taking the leave. Generally, if the need is foreseeable, she must give her employer 30 days’ notice. However, if she does not know that she will need to take a leave 30 days in advance, she only needs to give notice as soon as practicable. In her notice, an employee should tell her employer (1) the reason for taking leave (e.g., pregnancy disability) and (2) when and for how long she plans to take the leave.

Maybe. An employer may require medical certification only if the employee requires certification from other similarly situated employees. If so, the employee should obtain it from her medical provider. The certification should contain the following information:

  1. A statement that the employee has a disability due to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition and because of the disability, she cannot perform an essential function of her position without undue risk to herself, the successful completion of her pregnancy, or to others;
  2. The date on which the employee became/will become disabled and
  3. The probable duration of the disability and whether or not the employee needs to take intermittent leave

A certification need not provide more information than what is described above. All medical information in a medical certification is confidential.

Yes. An employee generally has the right to return to the same position once her PDL leave is over unless, for legitimate business reasons unrelated to the employee’s pregnancy or leave, the employee would have been laid off even if she had not taken the leave. If the employer, for legitimate business reasons, cannot reinstate the employee to the same position, she is entitled to return to a comparable position if one is available.

An employer must respond to a request for pregnancy disability leave (PDL) as soon as possible but no later than ten days after the request. Suppose an employee asks about her rights regarding PDL or communicates her intent to exercise those rights. In that case, an employer must give the employee written notice about her rights as soon as practicable.

No. As long as the employee can still perform her essential job functions with reasonable accommodation, her employer may not force her to go on leave before she and her healthcare provider request it.

No. An employer cannot terminate, punish, refuse to hire, or otherwise discriminate against an employee for being pregnant, for requesting or taking pregnancy disability leave, or for opposing any policy, practice, or action by her employer that she reasonably believes to be a violation of her pregnancy-related rights.

Yes, so long as the following conditions are met: (1) the employee works for an employer with five or more employees; (2) the employee’s healthcare provider recommends that the employee receives the transfer or other pregnancy-related accommodation; and (3) the requested transfer or accommodation is “reasonable.”

Whether or not an accommodation is “reasonable” depends on the individual situation. “Reasonable” accommodations might include:

  • A temporary transfer to a less strenuous or hazardous position, if such a position is available
  • More frequent or longer rest breaks
  • Permission to sit on a stool or carry a water bottle
  • Permission to work from home
  • Modification or restriction of the employee’s job duties
  • Assisting with lifting heavy objects
  • Lactation accommodations when an employee returns from leave

Yes. An employee must give her employer either verbal or written notice that she is requesting an accommodation. Generally, if the need for transfer is foreseeable, she must give her employer 30 days’ notice. However, if she did not know 30 days in advance that she needed an accommodation, she only needs to give notice as soon as possible. In her notice, an employee should tell her employer: (1) the reason for requesting accommodation; and (2) when and for how long she will likely need the accommodation.

Maybe. An employer may require medical certification. If so, the employee should obtain it from her medical provider.

Yes, an employee generally has the right to return to the same position once she no longer needs the accommodation or transfer unless, for legitimate business reasons unrelated to pregnancy, the employee would not have been returned to the same position even if she had not received the accommodation. Suppose the employer cannot reinstate the employee to the same position for legitimate business reasons unrelated to pregnancy. In that case, she is entitled to return to a comparable position if one is available.

No. An employer cannot terminate, punish, refuse to hire, or otherwise discriminate against an employee for being pregnant, for requesting or taking a pregnancy-related accommodation or transfer, or for opposing any policy, practice, or action by her employer that she reasonably believes to be a violation of her pregnancy-related rights.

Yes, an employee is eligible to take time off under the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) if his or her employer has at least 50 employees within a 75-mile radius of his or her worksite, he or she has worked at least 1,250 hours in the 12 months before taking the leave, and he or she has worked for his or her employer for at least a year.

If covered by CFRA, an employee can take up to 12 weeks per year of unpaid job-protected leave to bond with a newborn or newly adopted or fostered child, care for a spouse, domestic partner, parent, or child with a serious health condition, and/or because of his or her own serious health condition not related to pregnancy.

Bonding leave must be used and completed within 12 months of the child’s birth, adoption, or fostering. If the employee is eligible for both PDL and CFRA, bonding leave can be taken in addition to pregnancy disability leave (PDL).

No. Employees have the right to take their CFRA bonding leave in two-week blocks of time. On any two occasions, employees may take their CFRA leave in a smaller block of less than two weeks.

Yes, the employer must maintain and pay for the employee’s health coverage at the same level and under the same conditions as coverage would have been provided if the employee had been continuously employed during the entire leave period.

Yes, if the employee pays into State Disability Insurance (SDI) or the employer has a separate policy or practice of providing paid leave. An employee’s pay stub will reflect whether or not the employee pays into SDI. Employees who pay into SDI have a right to collect Paid Family Leave (PFL). PFL is a state program that allows an individual to collect partial wage replacement for up to 6 weeks to bond with a newborn, newly adopted, or newly placed foster care child, or to care for a family member with a serious health condition.

Either an employee or his or her employer can choose to apply the employee’s paid vacation time during bonding leave. However, an employee or employer can only apply for the employee’s paid sick leave during bonding leave if they both agree to do so.

Yes. Employees must give the employer verbal or written notice that he or she is taking the leave. Generally, if the need for leave is foreseeable, the employee must give the employer 30 days’ notice. However, if the employee does not know 30 days in advance that he or she needs to take a leave, he or she only needs to give notice as soon as possible. In the notice, the employee should tell his or her employer (1) the reason for taking leave (e.g., bonding with child) and (2) when and for how long he or she plans to take the leave.

No. An employee does not need medical certification to take bonding leave. However, an employee does need to provide a certification (e.g., a birth certificate) to the Employment Development Department (EDD) to receive PFL.

An employee generally has the right to return to the same or comparable position once his or her CFRA leave is over unless, for legitimate business reasons, the employee would have been laid off even if he or she had not taken the leave. However, certain exceptions apply to the top ten percent of the employer’s salaried employees.

An employer must respond to a request for CFRA qualifying leave as soon as practicable, but no later than 10 days after the request. An employer must grant bonding leave if the employee provides adequate notice.

Yes, if both parents are eligible for CFRA leave from their employers. If both parents work for the same employer, they may be limited to 12 weeks of bonding leave.

No. An employer cannot terminate, punish, refuse to hire, or otherwise discriminate or retaliate against an employee for requesting or taking bonding leave (CFRA), or opposing any policy, practice, or action by the employer that he or she reasonably believes to be a violation of his or her (CFRA) rights.

Call The Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer At Azadian Law Group, PC For A Free Case Review

Our employment attorneys do more than help you prove your pregnancy discrimination case. If you believe that you have been terminated due to your pregnancy or related medical condition, we want to hear from you. Azadian Law Group, PC serves the greater Los Angeles and Orange County areas and offers free consultations. To speak to one of our knowledgeable pregnancy discrimination attorneys today, please call 626-449-4944 or 213-229-9031, or 949-662-5405

As we never charge our clients a penny out-of-pocket, you can rest assured that when we accept a case, we stand behind our clients 100% and will fight aggressively for their rights.


Praise from Our Clients


2 weeks ago
Thanks alot to your entire team. First to make people feel comfortable in a tough situation goes along


5 months ago
Called this office around closing, spoke to a nice lady. Her name was Camille. Even though it was


6 months ago
Camille was beyond helpful. My employers are the worst people i have ever met and their making my


11 months ago
Azadian Law Group, led by the competent George, provided me with excellent legal assistance during a challenging wrongful


11 months ago
George is kind. Throughout the process, he was responsive to questions and concerns, and kept me updated. He


a month ago
Amazing Employment Attorneys for employees, I thank them so much for being great at communicating and being there


11 months ago
My experience with the Azadian Law Group was excellent.I highly recommend this Firm.I’m particularly grateful to Camille Banks


11 months ago
Facing wrongful termination can be an emotionally draining experience, but Azadian Law Group and its owner, George, provided


11 months ago
I contacted this office asking for some legal advice over a pending company legal issues we were having.


a year ago
George was my best choice when dealing with my past ten years of work history and problems. He


a year ago
Great employment lawyers for a free consultation. I needed advice real fast and George and his team were


a year ago
Mr. Azadian brought consistent first-rate legal advice and exceptional value to a wrongful termination lawsuit. This value is


7 months ago
George is a GREAT employment attorney!He was very effective and expeditious handling my legal case. George is the


a year ago
After a wrongful termination I reached out to several employment lawyers in the Los Angeles area. I was


a year ago
I have been absolutely amazed with my results from George azadian. I am blown away by how this


a year ago
George took my case and it was an absolute breeze - not only did he keep me informed


a year ago
I highly recommend Azadian Law Group for anyone facing wrongful termination. They took the time to understand my


a year ago
I cannot say enough about my experience with the Azadian Law Group, specifically, Camille Banks. In this day


a year ago
dear George,thank you so much for your quick response to my call on friday evening between you and


a year ago
George is extremely professional , fast and efficient , most importantly gets you good results ! I highly


2 years ago
Got a free consultation from Camile and she was extremely thorough and patient throughout the entire process. George


4 years ago
When I was let go after a decade of employment at my company I started searching online for


2 years ago
Thank you for your prompt response George. I was attended and provided customer care by Ms. Camille. I


a year ago
Very blessed to have found these employment lawyers in Los Angeles. I called a few and they gave


a year ago
Azadian is an excellent employment attorney in Los Angeles. Very impressed with them for wrongful termination laws and


a year ago
Very happy to have found these Orange County employment lawyers. Excellent skills and service for employees. Thanks!


2 years ago
George is a great attorney. Very responsive and always willing to take the time to explain each step


a year ago
Very knowledgeable!! I called to get some information and possibly retain counsel, the person I spoke with Camille,


10 months ago
Call ALG if you want a caring and patient law firm! They fight hard for clients! Great experience.


11 months ago
As one of his clients, their office kept me updated and well-informed with good outcome at the end.


4 years ago
George is the best employment lawyer in Los Angeles. George and his team have a great combination of


11 months ago
I’m really happy with how the group communicated with their clients. They gave us updates whenever there was


2 years ago
I Spoke With Camille Who Is Very Pleasant & Has A Great Spirit Here @ Azadian Law Group


a year ago
Best employment attorney!! I called for a consultation for a potential wrongful termination case and was blown away


6 years ago
I definitely have to recommend Azadian Law Group, the lawyer was committed to assist me in the difficult


2 years ago
George was friendly, easy to reach, kept me in the loop throughout everything, and made the overall process


a year ago
Incredibly professional group, from my discussion with the Paralegal on.I was contacted quickly by Mr. Azadian who had


2 years ago
OMG this Law Firm have a Very professional legal clerk, Camille made a great attempt at answering my


2 years ago
Thank You Camille! For staying on the phone for 30 mins because I wouldn’t stop with the questions


2 years ago
George is an expert attorney in his specialty. He is honest and straightforward. His communication is excellent.


2 years ago
It was so easy to work with george!! He is always responding quickly!! He explains everything in a


4 years ago
George is a wonderful smart and very aggressive employment lawyer. I am glad I contacted him.If you need


a year ago
They were great in answering my questions. They are very responsive and responded in a timely fashion. I


7 years ago
These guys are really great at what they do. Definitely use them i am so happy i was


a year ago
Mr. Azadian was prompt and helpful in his review of my case. I highly recommend his firm.


10 months ago
The Law Group followed the case and updated me frequently. I am satisfied and highly recommend this firm.


2 years ago
Camille was very helpful in helping me get my last check I def recommend to anyone that’s had


10 months ago
George Azadian was professional, courteous, and helpful to my situation. Thank you!


2 years ago
George is diligent, responsive and professional every step of the way. He is a great employment lawyer to


2 years ago
I had such a wonderful experience with this law firm. They are professional, quick and straight to the


4 years ago
Best employment lawyers. Very professional & helpful. Would highly recommend based on my personal experience with them.Positive Responsiveness,


4 years ago
George is amazing at what he does. He is a very caring attorney, and he provided the best


a year ago
George and his legal team is very prompt and fantastic!


2 years ago
Azadian Law Group was quick to respond to my concerns and provided great advice on how to resolve


4 years ago
I want to thank the Azadian Law group for all their help. When I got wrongfully terminated, I


2 years ago
George Adazian provided me with valuable advice during a very stressful time with my employer.Positive Responsiveness, Professionalism


7 months ago
Very knowledgeable professional lawyer fast results


a year ago
Amazing employment attorneys who care about their clients.


a year ago
I never got breaks or lunch


4 years ago
George and his team are great employment lawyers!Positive Responsiveness, Quality, Professionalism, Value


8 months ago


11 months ago
Excellent on all aspect


3 years ago
Good Employment LawyerPositive Professionalism


2 years ago
Positive Responsiveness, Professionalism


3 years ago
Positive Responsiveness, Quality, Professionalism, Value


2 months ago
I had contacted this law firm for about a potential case, and they were quick to respond and


a month ago
I endured unfair treatment from my company for a year and a half. Camille has been a beacon


a year ago
From start to finish, George was very attentive, along with his staff. It was a long journey, but


11 months ago
When I encountered a wrongful termination situation, I was fortunate to have Azadian Law Group in Pasadena on


4 months ago
Very knowledgeable with employment law. Great communication gets back to you normally within 24 hrs or less!


11 months ago
Entrusting George from the Pasadena Law Office with my workplace harassment case was akin to discovering a luminary


5 years ago
If I could give this law firm 10 stars I would. At what I thought would be a


8 years ago
From the moment I stepped in George's office, I knew he was going to be my lawyer. I


a year ago
I am incredibly grateful to Azadian Law Group for their diligent work on my wrongful termination case. Their


7 months ago
Very good employment attorney for all labor and wage issues. George is very professional and keeps you updated


4 years ago
We reached out to Azadian group based on google search, at that time we didn’t know much about


7 years ago
I could not have asked for a better lawyer. I was referred to him by very trusted friend.


7 years ago
George makes it easy. He's a wonderful attorney - smart, personable and professional. His reasoned approach helped me


7 years ago
George is a great and an amazing lawyer. He is very good, dedicated and really cares about his


7 years ago
George was an extremely professional and effective employment lawyer. He was very responsive, even after the case was


5 years ago
If you are in need of a Lawfirm that will care for your case, and if you feel


7 years ago
George and his team were great. He was able to get the best settlement possible at a very


2 years ago
I spoke with Camille B. about some issues I was having. Even though they didn't take my case


7 years ago
If i could I'll give Azadian law Group 10 stars! I've came in contact with many attorney's but


7 years ago
I had an extremely positive experience working with this firm on my case regarding unfair termination; they really


3 years ago
Great place to go if you're wrongfully terminated! Call them right away! ☎️ They are very responsive &


4 years ago
Though they were not able to take my case, Camille was incredibly sympathetic and was able to guide


7 years ago
He was great. The best lawyer in town. He got the job done did not procrastinate call me


5 years ago
I recently had George Azadian review my severance package and to my delight was able to get me


3 years ago
Was extremely happy with the services and the fact that unlike most attorneys Mr. ‘George was very responsive


7 years ago
George Azadian is a great wage and hour lawyer. He knows his stuff and about overtime. Very responsible


3 years ago
WOW! Im so grateful for the advise and help Teresa was so sweet and professional. Little did I


6 years ago
George and his Law firm did an outstanding job on my case . I would recommend Azadian Law


7 years ago
George and his associates are a very friendly and aggressive team nothing short of amazing always professional and


7 years ago
Very helpful and responsive team that I would refer to friends and family, provided sound advice. George helped


5 years ago
Best employment lawyers in Los Angeles. Can’t say anything else but I’m very happy!


7 years ago
Amazing employment lawyers. This law firm really helped me out and I would recommend them to friends and


2 years ago
Great employment attorney!! So knowledgeable and easy to work with. Thank you!


a year ago
George and his staff were the best


3 years ago
These people are the best in the business I recomend them 110 percent


a year ago
Camille is the best!


a year ago
Very happy to have found these Orange County employment lawyers. Excellent skills and service for employees. Thanks!


4 years ago
George is a wonderful smart and very aggressive employment lawyer. I am glad I contacted him.If you need


2 years ago
I had such a wonderful experience with this law firm. They are professional, quick and straight to the


2 years ago
George Adazian provided me with valuable advice during a very stressful time with my employer.Positive Responsiveness, Professionalism


a year ago
Amazing employment attorneys who care about their clients.


3 years ago
Good Employment LawyerPositive Professionalism


2 months ago
I recently had the pleasure of using Azadian Law Group. Camille assistance exceeded my expectations. She is very


4 months ago
I had been on the phone with various attorney offices, feeling frustrated as nobody seemed interested in helping


a year ago
Choosing Azadian Law Group was the best decision I made when faced with wrongful termination. Their compassionate and


2 years ago
I wasn't too sure of my rights when I was suddenly terminated out of the blue. Camille contacted


6 years ago
I called the Azadian Law Group because I heard they were one of the best labor and employment


6 years ago
George is as honest as they come! I had an employment issue that I needed legal counsel to


6 years ago
Was referred to Azadian Law Group by friend who is an attorney. Thank goodness for that. George and


2 years ago
This is for Camille and the Partners. This is a group of tremendous, normal, professional people that give


3 years ago
George is a topnotch employment attorney and everyone at Azadian Law Group is on another level.I was referred


6 years ago
They were the only firm who took the time to explain to me how the case was not


5 years ago
They are great attorneys, very knowledgeable. I filled out their online form I got a call a couple


4 years ago
Camilla Was Absolutely Helpful! Great Customer service and very professional.I'm very happy I had the opportunity to talk


2 years ago
I only worked with George for a short time and came away extremely impressed. True professional and class


5 years ago
Great employment lawyers! They do what they say they'll do! Highly recommend! You will not be dissapointed!


4 years ago
George was very helpful with my case and always kept me informed, highly recommend him


3 years ago
Very personable. They want every individual to feel like they matter. At least that was my experience.


2 years ago
Excellent employment attorney, he truly cares.Positive Responsiveness, Quality, Professionalism, Value

Who We Represent

At Azadian Law Group, we are dedicated to upholding the rights and interests of employees in the workplace. Our expertise in employment law positions us as staunch advocates for those facing unjust treatment in their professional environments.

Whether combating workplace discrimination, addressing unfair termination, or negotiating equitable compensation, our team is committed to ensuring that every employee we represent is treated fairly and respectfully under the law.

Want Us to Represent You?
Here’s How To Get Started

Step 1

Explore our comprehensive range of legal services to find the specialized support you need.

Step 2

Arrange a free initial meeting with our experts to discuss your legal situation.

Step 3

Receive a custom strategy specially created for your case by our legal experts.

Call Us Now 213-229-9031


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